aka riley or riles or ferile or laz, you decide!


click the button below to get to know me i guess


everywhere u can contact me/listen to what im listening to/uhh etc!


just an easy access place where anyone who needs can find my full list of my boundaries and explanations. pretty self explanatory for the most part tbh

about me

hi, i'm riley!
i'm twenty years old, live in australia and go by she/they pronouns.
currently, you can expect my stream schedule to be a bit choppy as i learn to juggle work and uni, but i'm aiming to stream at least 3 times a week!
i started streaming on twitch august 8 2020 and was partnered in february 2021 :)


BUSINESS ONLY [email protected]


this is also a thread on twitter, but i can elaborate a bit more here:shipping
shipping platonically is 100% fine, liking a friendship with me in it or wanting people to be friends is fine!
shipping romantically is strictly off limits, unless otherwise specified. assume i'm not okay to be shipped with someone unless we say it's okay, please!
under no circumstance is it ok to continue shipping me with someone after we have asked for it to stop, and i NEVER want to be shipped with a minor.
fan art
i am 100% okay with any fanart, edits (if u make edits and dont send them to me its a crime, i want to see), art, animations, cosplay, fanfiction, absolutely anything creative! i love to see it though, so please tag me and use #ferileyfanart when posting!! and if ur comfortable pls feel free to share in the discord teehee
layouts, etc.
using my mc character or face as a pfp/in your layouts are fine!
please do not have me in your layout if you are involved in drama/any social media toxicity. i don't want to see it and it can reflect badly on the community
stream chat
please do not compare me to other streamers. big streamers or small streamers, i don't like being compared to others! i would like my content being kept separate :]
NEVER compare me to my friends, either. view counts, followers, 'copying', i do not want to hear it and you will be removed from my chat -- fun fact, they don't like it either.
do not put anything triggering in my chat or through donos. you will be timed out, if not banned. click here for a full list of resources to help with mental health. i am a twenty year old streamer, not a mental health professional. and i have young people in my chat i would like to protect from getting hurt.please never mention my view count. i have this turned off while live! even if you think its a happy/high number, i would prefer not being told, please. and don't mention a dead chat, its just rude - basic twitch etiquette plsmy name
please refrain from ever calling me my real name! you can tell others my name, i don't mind it being talked about or shared around, but pls do not call me my real name unless i've given you permission.